The Long Dance Event

Nandita's Dream Music CDThere is a dance event called The Long Dance run by The School of Movement Medicine formed by Susannah and Ya’Acov Darling Khan. It’s a giveaway. People are dancing for their dreams and to raise money for charities. This year the rain came down torrentially from above and along the ground. Teams of people dug trenches through the night to keep it from coming into the huge dance marquis and another team emptied the trenches with buckets by hand. The spirit and determination of these dancers was inspiring and moving. When I saw the trenches in the morning I was in awe and cried.

Later some very familiar music came on. Susannah was playing “Inside My Heart” which is Nandita’s Song from the Nandita’s Dream CD. I looked up and 150 people spontaneously reached for each other’s hands. They danced into a spiral singing and laughing along with Nandita and Black Umfolosi and Rainbow Children’s Choir to “trust inside your heart, there’s a guide inside your heart, ask and you will know, which way to go”. The joy was ecstatic. My heart was blooming like a flower.

Storytelling – Nandita’s Dream

Nandita's Dream Storytelling

Just to let you know that I have been thinking about the power of storytelling. It’s a way we create and manifest by sharing. Recently Jonathan Camp was telling me that India has statistically by far the greatest involvement in telling stories.

As Nandita is half Indian and half Scottish and her mother Sheema has come over from India in the story I

was really interested in that. Storytelling is such a great way to imagine, create, dream, share wisdom and tools of empowerment. Nandita’s Dream is an adventure of the heart and a quest to resolve difficulties in the waking world.

Sura Susso who plays kora on the Songs from Nandita’s Dream CD is by the way a Gambian Griot, kora player and storyteller and he joins us at Nandita Day on 5th August. His music is like liquid light. Magnificent.