Susannah Darling Khan holding up a picture of Memon the wise elder

Susannah Darling Khan holding up a picture of Memon the wise elder in Nandita’s Dream I realise Nandita’s Dream celebration launch is itself a manifestation of the dreams many of us have for the world and the children of the world. As we all sang and talked and gathered our traditions into a new synthesis and celebrated our uniqueness and our togetherness it was such a beautiful meeting of hearts. And the book and CD are just the beginning of an adventure.

The children are taking hold of this and bringing their own new dreams, wishes and knowing while we can support them in being their own wisdom. Here’s Susannah Darling Khan holding up a picture of Memon the wise elder in Nandita’s Dream who tells the story of Source and why we all came to earth. I also want to acknowledge my time with Abraham-Hicks and the answering of some of my questions.