Jacqueline Lawes, co-author of Nandita’s Dream is director of Live Love Dream retreats: ”We can all live more fully, dream more deeply and dream bigger and brighter dreams.” It’s good to know it’s there for the grownups.
Jacqueline always said Nandita’s Dream is as important to adults as it is to children. The messages and discoveries in the story are for all of us. We’re getting more feedback from adults about what the story means to them which seems to agree with that. Jacqueline feels the same happens with the CD and the inspirational effects of the songs. Her delicious cooking while we were recording at Drum’s studio has now become legendary and probably contributed to our contented creativity. Here are Jacqueline and Sotcha Moyo of Black Umfolosi at our launch party. You can find out more about her retreats at www.livelovedream.co.uk. She’s working with a remarkable team of facilitators.