We have 2 free children’s meditation downloads on the Nandita’s Dream website. They are guided by two lovely girls. Melody leads us through ‘Tess Talks Trees’ and Rose leads ‘Nandita’s Heart Meditation’. Please share them. http://www.nanditasdream.com/ There’s been great feedback such as the boy who was concerned about moving schools and how listening to these helped centre him. However when Rose decided to lead a group of adults and children through the Heart meditation and I witnessed firsthand the effects of a child able to take adults deep into their own hearts, several things occurred to me. One is simply joy in her wisdom and her connection and her ability to share from her inner being. I also like children leading the way. Another is that Nandita’s Dream seems to be important to adults too. I often hear from adults playing the CD too and from work to uplift them. More on this anon.