Nandita’s Dream – the Book

“Nandita was a dreamer,” continued Salassie in his sing-song voice.

“What’s a dreamer?” asked Ayub.

“A dreamer is someone who helps create the world with their dreams. Of course we are all dreamers. But for some of us, this is our path in life.” Nandita’s Dream.

I want to thank everyone for the inspiring feedback about the book and dreaming our lives. And how clear it is that there are those who are consciously dreaming with the world. I’m inspired by what you’re all being in the world. And so of course I’m writing more music, singing with Melody and Salassie, journeying with new stories…

Does this process of creating go on and on? Always. Even if it drops into gentle waters for a while. There’s always more. Is that true for you?

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